Your hobby is fitness, bodybuilding, powerlifting, you actively lead a healthy lifestyle, you have a healthy diet.Then useful substances on a regular basis should enter the body, including arginine.What is it? How to take it? The benefits and disadvantages of arginine – as a sports nutrition supplement for athletes.

L – arginine is an essential amino acid for life activity.It is produced naturally in the body, through the incoming food.It is the main subject of the formation of nitric oxide, the latter ensures the flexibility of the blood vessels.Not a while ago, nitric oxide was considered harmful to humans, but recent scientifically proven studies have proven the health benefits of this process.On the plus side, what brings this amino acid.

But we are still active visitors of gyms and fitness centers, where we build muscle mass, create body relief.Hence, we want to know more about the benefits of this sports nutrition product for the life activities of athletes and people in general.

Useful Functions of L – Arginine

  • Acting as a structural element of the cycle (ornithine – citrulline – arginine) it serves as the last tool of protein breakdown products withdrawal from the body. The power of the cycle determines the formation of the necessary amount of urea with the subsequent release of the body of protein formation toxins. therefore acts as an antioxidant.
  • Nitric oxide promotes the free flow of blood through blood vessels. Regulates the cardiovascular system.Operationally necessary nutrients to organs and tissues, including muscles.Undecomposed essential amino acid is directly involved in the nucleation of new muscle tissue building proteins. With a lack of arginine increases the risk of spasm, high blood pressure, so blood vessels narrow, so the heart works harder. The amino acid is interpreted as a nitric oxide donor.
  • It strengthens the immune system.With its deficiency, our body is prone to disease.It is necessary to maintain the right level, so as to prevent the development of serious dysfunctions.
  • It has a positive effect on the growth hormone and testosterone.With the necessary level of the considered essential amino acid, the body accelerates the production of testosterone.Thanks to the undecomposed arginine, the growth hormone increases, the pituitary gland functions properly (it determines the proper metabolism).
  • Promotes the process of pamping in bodybuilding.By accelerating the flow of useful macro and micro substances, to the muscle cells.Increase muscle structures during training you are assured.Add the effect of venous body for quality relief.
  • Improves male fertility.At high physical exertion, the additional presence of arginine promotes activation of sperm movement due to rapid blood flow.Stress and fatigue is relieved like a hand.Muscle recovery after exercise is normal.Hence, the additional intake of arginine together with yohimbine increases your chances in sex life by half after a pamping complex of strength exercises.Therefore, to increase potency, below is described how to take arginine correctly.
  • In weight loss provides the release of subcutaneous fat.By breaking down lipids, this amino acid helps the body feel comfortable during a healthy diet.
  • Reduces bad cholesterol.The presence of this substance does not allow bad styrene to destroy the structure of blood vessels. Reduces the negative effects and the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Normalizes the production of insulin with L – arginine normalizes blood sugar levels.

The harmful effects of arginine on the body

  • The side effect of taking dietary supplements containing this immunophan lies only in excessive abuse.Therefore, before starting a course of intake, be sure to read the instructions for intake.If you have the following symptoms – nausea, diarrhea, colic in the stomach need to reduce the dosage otherwise you can earn pancreatic inflammation, pancreatitis.With a pronounced herpes virus refuse to use such drugs.Kidney and liver problems are not recommended.Psychiatric disorders are considered
  • For girls, taking arginine is not allowed during pregnancy, during subsequent breastfeeding, as well as in case of individual intolerance, hypersensitivity.
  • Young people under the age of 18 years.

When building a muscular figure, getting the necessary amount from foods is not enough, but not to name the foods from which you can get the maximum amount of the essential amino acid would be wrong.