Any change in body weight requires some effort on the part of the person. There are times when the change is slow. To increase the result it is enough to speed up the metabolism. For example, fat burning can speed up the metabolism, lose weight, reach the planned weight level.

Even if you have never worked out for yourself and think after 40 years of age you should not start. In vain, it is never too late to start leading a proper, healthy lifestyle.

How to Speed up Your Metabolism
I offer to your attention some great ways to speed up your metabolism. They are suitable for both men and women. From you regularity, persistence, correctness, desire to change. You do not have to spend your savings on expensive fitness clubs, gyms. Realistically run the metabolism, to carry out the metabolism at home.

Ways to speed up the metabolism in the body

Power Training with Weights
Realistically “do the job” exercises for all muscle groups. While performing any complex accelerates the metabolism. Fat is burned not only during exercise, but also afterwards. Recovery is difficult, long-term energy is expended. Where to get? Correct – the fat reserves. In winter the body weight increases by 2 kg, external factors make themselves felt. So try to move as much as possible, I suggest jogging in the winter outside.

Eat fractional meals.
To do this, switch to five meals a day in small portions. During the constant digestion of a small amount of food, the metabolism is accelerated. Every 4 hours, eat a portion made up of the right foods, the volume of the dish should not exceed the palm of your hand. The wrong foods include baked goods, sweets, fatty foods, tinted soda. Fractional meals are small portions, which will not overload your stomach, but stabilize the blood sugar level. Thus, when your blood sugar level drops, you want to eat a big meal. When satiated with small portions, the body needs fewer kilocalories than when hungry.

B vitamins
These include niacin, thiamine. These are the main drugs that speed up the metabolism. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Niacin (B3) is needed for the oxidation process in digestion. Inadequate amounts of this substance leads to a metabolic disorder. Get a complex of vitamins of this group during the cold season. Of the products give preference to coarse-milled bread, soybeans, bran, beans, young calf meat, buckwheat.

You will learn about the benefits of water in detail in this article. I will only inform you that you should drink from two liters of clean water per day. In the morning on an empty stomach, squeeze lemon juice into a glass, put a teaspoon of honey.

Massage treatments
In the evening massaging your feet speeds up the metabolism at the cellular level. This improves blood flow and speeds up the flow of nutrients. Rub your feet with warm oil before the treatment.

Fiber-based foods
Fiber repels the molecules of fat cells that come with food and “expels” from the body the residues that are harmful to the metabolism. This kind of cleanse allows you to speed up your metabolism without clogging and procrastination. What foods speed up the metabolism are apples, carrots, oat bran, different types of cabbage, legumes. Consume a bowl of oatmeal and water in the morning. After a month, feel and see the difference.

You can read about the benefits of spices in fitness here. I’ll sharpen my focus on ginger. The fresh product activates the digestive process, nutrients and vitamins arrive at their destination more efficiently and without delay.

Green tea
Containing an antioxidant, catechin, it instantly enhances the oxidation of fat gain. From drinking large amounts of green tea you will not harm your health, but rather improve your metabolism for weight loss.

These are the ways you can speed up your metabolism and achieve results in building a slim beautiful figure, improving the condition of your skin, the body as a whole. I wish you success in this difficult but pleasant case of a healthy lifestyle.